Smash Bros Lawl X Wiki
Mr. Bean
Magic. *Snort Snort*
Universe Mr. Bean
Debut Mr. Bean (1990 - 1995)
Appears in Smash Bros Lawl X
Friends Michael Rosen
Enemies TBA
Rival ???

Mr. Bean is a childish and self-centred buffoon who brings various unusual schemes and contrivances to everyday tasks.


Neutral B - Lethal injection

Mr Bean gives the opponent an injection. This injection will cancel a random move for 30 seconds, but not necessarily just B moves though. It can be A moves, grab moves or the ability to walk, run, jump, double jump, swim, duck, crawl or the ability to turn left or right. If you inject the same opponent again before the 30 seconds are up, it will cancel another move along with the first one. This will not change how long it takes for the first cancelled move to wear off though.

Side B - Roll Up

Mr Bean rolls an opponent into a mat, and then pushes them forward 3 steps. Opponents who touch the mat take damage as well. The only downside is that there is no way to cancel the move, meaning that rolling off of a ledge could KO both Bean and the opponent.

Up B - The Ride of Doom

Mr Bean rides in a chair from the Doom Ride. It will rock back and forth five times, damaging anyone who touches it, before throwing Mr Bean in the air.It will throw him hard enough to damage anyone who gets in his way.

Down B - Explosive paint

Mr Bean sets up a paint bomb (its really just a paint can with a stick of dynamite inside.) You then have about five seconds to escape before it blows up. The explosion distance is pretty small, and the closer you are to the explosion, the more damage you receive. Once the explosion has happened, it will leave puddles of paint that opponents can slip in, as well as covering opponents in white paint.

Final Smash - Dramatic Performance

Mr Bean starts up an opera solo. During this, all the opponents will come to him as his audience. Eventually, Mr Bean will grab one of the opponents and make them join him, fainting into his arms. Mr Bean will then slyly sing and walk to the end of the nearest ledge. He will then get on his knees and drop his opponent off the ledge or throw them off stage, KO'ing them.


Down Taunt- Magic. *Snort Snort*

Side Taunt- Brace yourself

Up Taunt- (Waves both his middle fingers)

Character Description

Role In The Subspace Emissary

Pallet Swaps

  • Default
  • Pee Wee Herman look
  • Johnny English
  • Scooby-Doo Movie look
  • Toon Bean




Smash bros Lawl X Character Moveset - Mr Bean-0
